Monday, November 7th, 2666
The Muggle Hunter
Hogwarts is insecured. As fifty years ago, many pupils of the magic school have disappered. Actually, there is no Wizard among the victims, only Muggles. Is the Muggle Hunter Back ?

Fity years ago, a series of crimes were comitted in Hogwarts. Muggles were found dead or petrified. This case was unelucidated until today. Recently, other muggles attack took place in the school, and the modus operandi is totaly the same. Pupils were found petrified or dead. Obviously, the Muggle Hunter has returned. And thanks to Harry Potter, a student who belongs to Gryffindor, we finally know the Killer’s identity. His name is Tom Marvolo Riddle, and he belongs to Slytherin.

Tom Marvolo Riddle restarted to kill on Monday, two weeks ago. As fifty years ago, he only targeted Muggles. The modus operandi of his racial purge has not changed after a half-century. He attacked the mixed-bloods he considers impure in the toilets or when they were alone, in the long corridors of Hogwarts. Muggles are easy targets, most of them are lonesome, racism and hate still strong, so they are often rejected by other pupils.
This time, four pupils were attacked. Colin Crivey was petrified in the corridors, and his body was moved to the toilets where he was

killed. Justin Finch-Fletchley was already in the toilets when Tom Marvolo Riddle uses the forbidden mortal spell on him. Fortunalely, two pupils survived to Marvolo’s agression. Hermione Granger and Penelope Dauclaire were only petrified.
Hermione Granger who is recovering in the infarmary said that she has any souvenir of the attack. She just fell down and woke up in the sick bay. » It is like waking up from a nightmare », she said. Miss Granger also added that she was glad to know that the killer was arrested. Indeed, thanks to the help of another pupil, Mr. Potter, the criminal, Tom Marvolo Riddle was caught and put in jail before his judgement.
The killer’s actions are aberrant. Actually born from a witch and a muggle, he is also a mixed-blood. His hate of muggles certainly comes from the fact that he was hated for that too. Indeed, he was victim of hate and racism during his schooling. For unknown reasons, he was mad at his father who is a muggle. But is it enough to suppose that this is why he killed so many people ? Did he turned his hatred for his father on all muggles ? No one will ever know.
The problem of racism against muggles has often led to cases of this genre. The old beliefs, based on stereotypes which are responsible of those kind of acts are stronger than ever. Nowadays, there is a real culture of hate against this category of wizard. But isn’t it time to question the silly beliefs about this minority. Furthermore, if we tolerate people who are descendants of wizards but are unable to use magic, why wouldn’t we tolerate those who are coming from muggle families and are able to use magic as well ? It is time to question the answers.
Tom Marvolo Riddle, the murderer, also known as « THE MUGGLE HUNTER » was jailed in Azkaban, the dementors were supposed to keep an eye on him, but he mysteriously disappeared before his trial. Some people are really suspicious about this break. One of the jurors said that it is not very surprising. Tom Marvolo Riddle was probably helped by a man of power who shared his ideas concerning the muggles.